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A peek into the subconscious mind of someone who listens to talk radio

A peek into the subconscious mind of the far right

by digby

This is from a lawsuit filed in 2014 against President Obama and (apparently fraudulently) signed by Cliven Bundy:

The motion for preliminary injunction, filed in federal court in Nevada, claimed Obama threatened Trump’s business interests to get him to stop questioning whether Obama was born in the U.S.

The lawsuit, filed by David Rothrock, lists a Pennsylvania prison as a return address. It was apparently sent by Rothrock in his and Bundy’s name.

It reads: “Barack Obama was not a natural born citizen therefore he has no authority to take over peoples land under imminent domain. Mr. Obama blackmailed and covertly threatened Donald Trump with building code regulation violations, property tax fraud, illegally operating offshore tax havens for betting with Federal indictments unless he shuts up and stops the Birther movement because Mr. Obama fears he will be exposed for his covert and sinister ties to Iran’s Hezbollah network.”

The suit also says that “all Americans are in danger.”

The lawsuit — which was dismissed because the $350 filing fee was never paid — claims the plaintiffs saw Bill Clinton cross-dress in a burqa and claims the plaintiffs saw Obama sell “Muslim oils at a street vendor stand with a wig and mustache.”

The lawsuit demands an investigation into the “atrocities” committed by “these orgie, sex deviants.”

The lawsuit also claims the Benghazi attack was “implemented so George Bush could somehow feel vindicated for 9/11.”

The sexually explicit letter makes several nonsensical claims — including that Obama had the plaintiffs oral sex on the president’s dogs, Sunny and Bo, in the Oval Office.

The sexually explicit letter makes several nonsensical claims — including that Obama had the plaintiffs oral sex on the president’s dogs, Sunny and Bo, in the Oval Office.

“Mr. Obama has portrayed himself as hope and change, the only hope he gave me was gay rights with dildo enhancements. Thank you Mayor Rob Ford and Philadelphia Parole officer Agent Fletcher they give a good warm tickle when performing tooth extracts on my genital area. Mr. Obama is a a phycosomatic [sic] sex freak. Mr. Obama had me and agent Fletcher perform oral sex on Sunny + Bo in the Oval office.”

The lawsuit states that if the “whistleblowing” claims are not brought to light, America will “be the new Africa and are [sic] citizens will be sleeping in tents and washing clothes in puddles by 2022.”

“America will be the new Africa and are [sic] citizens will be sleeping in tents and washing clothes in puddles by 2022 while China donates rice to us on a camel drone from Pakistan why we are celebrating Kwanza with pet turtles.”

You can see the whole thing at Buzzfeed. This man is obviously very disturbed. But the truth is that this is the wingnut subconscious laid bare. The racism, the paranoia, the sexually deviant imaginings. Those who think that people who follow all the right wing propaganda are driven by constitutional principles and beliefs about the role of government are hugely mistaken. Sure, most right-wingers aren’t as overwhelmingly delusional as this man. But they are ruled by many of the same impulses.  After what Bundy notoriously said about black people it’s not surprising in the least that a disturbed individual would think they are on the same side.


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