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Petty is the new manly by @BloggersRUs

Petty is the new manly
by Tom Sullivan

How is Donald Trump’s enemies list coming? Being a superior businessman, he’ll not want Obama’s FEMA camps to go to waste. Fortunately, with Trump’s rather prodigious enemies list, he won’t lack for people to house in them.

It seems the would-be next leader of the free world somehow got into a Twitter feud with actor Samuel L. Jackson. Jackson told an interviewer for an in-flight magazine that he’s a better golfer than Trump:

Who’s the better golfer?

“Oh, I am, for sure,” Jackson says, then smiles. “I don’t cheat.”

Trump denied having played golf with Jackson.

Then a friend of Jackson’s backed him up:

So then Trump accused the guy he’d never played golf with of cheating at it:

And of having a girlie-man swing:

Is this kind of puerile stuff what we can expect of Trump as president? I think so. Calling Trump a cheat is one thing, but nobody’s better than Donald at anything. Nobody. He won’t have it.

Trump already has a long (if informal) enemies list going back some years. Add to that Seth Meyers, the New Hampshire Union Leader, and pretty much anybody else who takes a swipe at the thin-skinned manly man. Oh, and Scotland.

Jackson told his side of the golf story to Seth Meyers.

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