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Yes, it’s a loony conspiracy theory

Yes, it’s a loony conspiracy theory

by digby

I can’t believe the president actually had to say this to Anderson Cooper on CNN but apparently he did:

And it’s not just one conspiracy theory. There are dozens of them. Here’s my personal favorite from Larry Pratt of Gunowners of America:

There’s a big one that doesn’t get much attention as a gun measure but it is, and that’s Obamacare. Obamacare among its many unconstitutional aspects, I’m sorry Supreme Court, has made privacy something that only applies between consenting adults but not certainly our relationship with the government. It says that all of our medical records are available to be pawed through by bureaucrats somewhere in Washington, looking for a reason to disenfranchise gun owners, to say ‘oh you have a medical diagnosis that means you might be a danger to yourself or others so we’re going to come and knock on the door for the BATF to take away your guns.

Here’s another one from World Net Daily:

I know it’s Halloween, but this is more terrifying than ghosts and goblins and vampires.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If Barack Obama is re-elected Nov. 6 for a second term, he will declare a full-scale war on his domestic opposition.

There may not be another free and fair election in America.

I would expect due process to go the way of the horse and buggy.

I think he will move to shut down and destroy all independent media.

In fact, I think his biggest critics will be rounded up in the name of national security.

Last week, for instance, with little fanfare, Obama issued an executive order establishing something that sounds so innocent on the surface – but it could prove to be a vehicle for the kind of political putsch I am describing.

It establishes the “White House Homeland Security Partnership Council.”…Essentially, Obama wants to deputize “community organizers” like him to determine who represents a real threat to the republic.…

If any Republican, conservative, independent journalist, pro-life activist, returning veteran, gun-rights activist, constitutionalist, Bible believer or critic of Obama thinks they will be safe in a second term under this would-be despot, they had better think again – real fast.

More at this link.

It’s such a transparently cynical manipulation to collect money from fools that I’m tempted to feel sorry for the fools. Unfortunately those fools are all armed to teeth running around accidentally killing people by the thousands and enabling other poor fools to kill themselves.


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