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QOTD: Levin and Limbaugh

QOTD: Levin and Limbaugh

by digby

Going after Trump again today and I think this is the essence of the complaint:

What’s different right now is that the attack on Cruz in many ways is an attack on us, That’s the problem.  He’s “nasty, nasty, nasty …” Donald says. Why, because Mitch McConnell thinks he’s nasty? Because Bob Dole thinks he’s nasty? Because the dug-in ruling elite Republicans thinks he’s nasty?


The establishment says, “yeah, yeah yeah we can make deals with Trump. We can coexist with Trump.”What they mean by that is they think they can moderate Trump or make deals with him that are not ideological in nature but they know, they are certain that Cruz is not gonna compromise what he believes in order to strike deals or have peaceful relations with them. That scares them.

Meanwhile Bristol Palin wrote a Facebook post saying that the Cruz campaign saying they would be disappointed if Palin endorses Trump because he isn’t a real conservative is proof that everyone saying Cruz is nasty is true.

Reality TV star politicians gotta stick together.


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