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This is why the grassroots hates Mitch McConnell

This is why the grassroots hates Mitch McConnell

by digby

He just can’t help being a jerk:

“It is important to for everybody to understand that the convention rules will require you to get 1,237 delegate votes, and until one gets to 1,237, they will not be the nominee,” McConnell said. “So there are some candidates suggesting it’s somehow tricky to simply follow the rules of the convention. We are going to follow the rules of the convention.” 

McConnell went on to explain that if a candidate does not have 1,237 delegate votes on the first ballot, about two-thirds of pledged delegates would be freed to vote for someone else on a second ballot. 

“I am increasingly optimistic that there actually may be a second ballot,” McConnell said.[…] 

“I want somebody who can win in November, and the whole process is about trying to beat Hillary Clinton in November. And I think our delegates, if they end up actually having the latitude to make the decision which would occur on the second or third ballot, are going to be interested in who can win.”

Yeah, well, good luck with that Mitch.  Your deep bench turned out to be a bunch of duds and now you’re stuck with these circus clowns. Sorry.

He’s a party leader. He shouldn’t put his thumbs on the scale for a contested convention. They’re supposed to say that the process will play out and they’re sure that the party will unify.  He’s acting like he wants a free-for-all. Which he does.  But it’s irresponsible for someone in his position to be stoking it.

These guys end up making Cruz look like a statesman.


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