QOTD: Eric Erickson
by digby
Republicans owe Bill Clinton an apology for impeaching him over lies and affairs while now embracing a pathological liar and womanizer. That apology will not be forthcoming. In fact, for years Republicans have accused the Democrats of gutter politics and shamelessness. Now the Republicans themselves have lost their sense of shame.
Actually, they lost their sense of shame when hypocrites like Henry Hyde, Newt Gingrich,Bob Livingston all voted to impeach Clinton for a consensual affair when they were guilty of the same (as are tens of millions of married people) and then putting a man who turned out to be a serial sexual predator of teenage boys into he Speakership — a man who also voted for impeachment.
But be that as it may, this primary seems to be bringing into focus for some Republicans that the gross form of politics that makes it acceptable to call a Supreme Court justice a “goat-fucking child molester” can lead to a man like Donald Trump.
By the way, it’s what also led to this sort of thing;
The angry hostile form of conservatism will always be with us but perhaps Trump will have the positive effect of turning at least some people away from this completely uncharitable version of conservatism.