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They’re real peaches

They’re real peaches

by digby

PPP did some polling Georgia.  They found that Trump is ahead here, unsurprisingly. They also found this:

50% of Trump fans think Hillary Clinton had some involvement in the death of Vince Foster, to only 13% who think she didn’t and 37% who aren’t sure one way or another. This is another example of the cult like aspect of Trump’s following. He says something and his voters get on board with it for the most part. We saw a similar dynamic with his claims about Arabs in New Jersey cheering on 9/11. 

-Georgia removed the Confederate flag from its state flag in 2001, but Trump fans in the state want it back. 52% want it reincorporated back into the Georgia flag, compared to only 29% who would be opposed to doing such a thing. By contrast voters with an unfavorable view of Trump oppose, 14/76, putting the Confederate flag back into the state flag. 

-Trump fans are pretty ambivalent on whether they even think it’s a good thing that the North won the Civil War. Only 37% say that they’re glad the North won, compared to 31% who wish the South had won, and 32% who aren’t sure one way or another.
-Finally we find that Trump fans support his practice of calling Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas,’ 50-31. Among voters who have a negative opinion of Trump, 86% think it’s inappropriate to call Warren by that moniker to only 10% who find it acceptable.

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