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Give ’em hell Harry

Give ’em hell Harry

by digby

He’s going out with a bang:

Harry Reid says the public knows plenty about Donald Trump, and there’s nothing he could do to make the presumptive GOP nominee more unpopular than he already is.

So rather than becoming the Trump attack dog, as he was against Mitt Romney four years ago, Reid sees his charge as something different this time: to make Mitch McConnell and Senate GOP incumbents eat Trump’s endless stream of divisive statements.

It’s the key, the outgoing Democratic leader said in an extensive interview with POLITICO here Wednesday, to returning the Senate to his party’s control — the final, legacy-making fight of his three-decade Senate career.

“It’s easy to do: The Senate leadership is enthralled by Trump. ‘He’s the guy. He’s going to carry on the standards of the Republican Party.’ Wow,” Reid said in the dingy campaign headquarters of House candidate Ruben Kihuen. “My job is to tell the people that Mitch McConnell is one of the reasons we have Trump. … Everything that Trump is, McConnell led the charge.”

McConnell and Trump are “cuddled up together,” Reid added, citing the Republican leader’s comment this week that Trump would be “just fine” as president.

Should be fun.


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