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QOTD: Pat Robertson

QOTD: Pat Robertson

by digby

Via Right Wing Watch:

“The left is having a dilemma of major proportions and I think for those of us who disagree with some of their policies, the best thing to do is to sit on the sidelines and let them kill themselves.”

He went there. The liberal terrorist alliance is in trouble because gays were killed and liberals don’t know how to deal with it. Seriously.

Earlier in the program, Robertson went into more detail about what he called “the dilemma of the liberals, the so-called progressives, because they have two favored groups. One, the Muslims. Number two, the homosexuals.”

We’re looking at a favored group by the left, the homosexuals, and that in Islam is punishable by death or imprisonment or some sanction, so what are the left going to do? How are they going to describe it? And they don’t know quite what to do now. The fact that this Islamic gentleman opens fire in a gay nightclub and kills almost 50 homosexuals, that says something and tells the fact that Islam is against homosexuality, so the liberals are going to be scrambling to find some rationale, I think they’re going to have a hard time doing it.

In the meantime, Donald Trump is riding high because he said we should screen these people and he’s absolutely right. We should screen them. So the left is saying, ‘Oh you’re anti-Muslim, you’re racist’ and all this. Suddenly, that part of the narrative doesn’t play too well and they’re stuck as to what to do. But Trump is enjoying a victory.

He added that the issue of homosexuality and the Islamic world is “a murky picture” because Lawrence of Arabia may have spent the night with a sheikh who tried to “perform homosexual acts” on him.


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