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Trump’s vanguard

Trump’s vanguard

by digby

Trump gave a very dark dystopian speech today at his Atlanta rally, pretty much saying that unless we do something very, very drastic about Muslims the country is going down.

He has some supporters who are articulating what they think is truly necessary. Talk show hosts are spelling out the proper response to this allegedly existential threat:

[A]fter declaring that the Orlando massacre represented God’s judgment on America, Rick Wiles said that the U.S. government should “outlaw Islam” and “confiscate Muslims.”

“The left is calling for gun control What we need is Muslim control. We don’t need to confiscate guns, we need to confiscate Muslims. You’re not going to solve this problem until you round up the Muslims and ship them out of this country. End of discussion. Outlaw Islam. Make it an illegal religion. Don’t tell me it can’t be done. Pass a constitutional amendment that says we’re a Christian nation and Islam is illegal. Done. Get rid of it. Stamp it out before it destroys civilization.”

“Anyone who is a practicing Muslim is mentally ill,” he added, before claiming that the U.S. government is bringing terrorists into the country. “We’re all going to die, gay and straight, left and right, Republican and Democrat, we’re all going to die if we don’t get this stopped really soon.”


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