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The crazy is overwhelming

The crazy is overwhelming

by digby

Every once in a while I delve into comment sections as a sort of purifying ritual. They are more toxic right now than they’ve ever been and I’ve been doing this a long time so I know. The conspiracy mongering is overwhelming. I think it must be social media reinforcing stupidity.

Anyway, here’s an example for you in case you don’t subject yourselves to the nonsense that gullible fools believe in this country:

The remarkable speed and coordination with which a muslim terrorist attack has been converted into a homophobic “mass shooting” for which Christians and Republicans are responsible suggests that this was planned by the presidential palace (let’s call it what it is now) and the Crown Princess’s headquarters in Brooklyn. It is, as one of their founding fathers (Stalin) used to say, “no coincidence” that before the bodies were identified and removed, the Obammunist apparatus of vigils and hashtags and demonstrations and orations at the Tonys swung into action for gun confiscation and already-written plans and legislation were trotted out for “reasonable regulation” of constitutional rights and a return to the preventive detention, general warrants and bills of attainder that we fought wars to get rid of. There can be no doubt that 2016 may be the last free election as we know them in the United States, and that keeping this regime in power will result in full-blown dictatorship and a police state by the end of 2017.

So vote for the man who wants to build a wall, surveil and deport millions, ban immigration on the basis of religion, torture suspects, kill their families, empower the police with the means to do “whatever is necessary” to keep order.

Because otherwise we will have a police state.

*And no it isn’t just the right that is going there. There are conspiracy theories on all sides. But only one group has a leader who is the nominee for president of the United States.


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