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Such lovely folks

Such lovely folks

by digby

Rush on Trump’s speech getting all excited over the Hillary hate. Oooh baby:

“Finally! It’s about time somebody started telling the truth about Hillary Clinton, and it’s not you.  Finally somebody that’s an official Republican starts telling us what we already know!” People are jazzed by this, according to my email and other feedback that I’m getting. We’ve got all the audio sound bites coming. Of course, I, as a powerful, influential member of the media, had a transcript of the speech before it was given.

It happens it was a speech given on the prompter today down at SoHo, one of Trump’s hotels that he owns.  So Trump basically said things about Hillary Clinton that you just don’t hear Republicans saying.  You’ve heard them before.  You’ve heard them on this program, of course.  You’ve probably heard similar things that Trump said in other areas.  But you just do not hear Mitt Romney say this, for example.  You wouldn’t hear the Bush family talk this way about Hillary.  You wouldn’t. You just wouldn’t hear it.

You wouldn’t hear fellow establishment types talk about this, ’cause it’s too close to home for all of them.  But Trump can say this stuff as an outsider. He can say this stuff as a nonmember of the elite or the establishment, and it’s gonna be interesting to see, because while everything Trump said about Hillary has been said before by people — and, of course, we have the Peter Schweizer book, Clinton Cash, which Trump quoted from extensively.  You don’t see things like that happen, either.

Limbaugh’s right. Nobody but bottom feeding wingnut freaks traffic in this nonsense. And those are the only people who believe it.

But Trump certainly did what he thought he needed to do today which is give every Trump primary voter a thrill up the leg. Which is nice. As he famously said, “we love the poorly educated!”

Hey, here’s one of them now [NSFW]:

Time for a cocktail, I’m afraid.


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