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From the party that brought you “you lie!”

From the party that brought you “you lie!”

by digby

… during the State of the Union, comes Representative Pete Sessions calling for the smelling salts over the House sit-in. He believes the Democrats who sat in should be investigated for breaking the rules.

When the House went into recess Wednesday night and live camera feeds were cut, Democratic House members used Periscope and Facebook Live to continue giving the public look at their spontaneous protest.

“They should not have used that nor would we allow a bunch of people at a court room to take advantage of a courtroom,” Sessions said. “There are places that business is done where decorum is utilized and where we respect each other.”

Yes there are such places. But the House hasn’t been one of them since they decided to obsess over fellatio and semen stains for months on end nearly 20 years ago, turning the words “house decorum” into an oxymoron.

But hey, go for it. It’s always fun to see swashbuckling, gun slinging, anti-PC dudes clutching their pearls over decorum.


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