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Not Guh Happen #DumpTrumpGoingNowhere

Not Guh Happen

by digby

Many Republicans have buyers remorse on Trump but it doesn’t look as if enough of them are going to the convention to stage a coup and install someone else:

Republicans looking to dump Donald Trump at next month’s convention have passion, energy and a fierce sense that their party will suffer unless Trump is unseated. What they appear to lack, however, are the votes to make it happen.

POLITICO reached out to all 112 members of the committee that will write the rules of the national GOP convention. This is the panel that anti-Trump activists hope to jam a proposal through to free convention delegates to spurn Trump and select another candidate instead.

What emerged from the survey, though, is a portrait of a committee with little interest in the dump Trump crowd. In fact, most members may be eager to stop them.

“I support DJT 100%,” said Alabama rules committee member Laura Payne in an email. “I ran to support … Trump & to represent the voters of Alabama. It may or may not be an attempt, but the voters will prevail.”

“Trying to change the rules in mid-game because you don’t like the outcome is tantamount to saying you are going to take your ball and go home because you are losing,” said Christine Serrano-Glassner, a Rules Committee delegate from New Jersey. “I will be supporting our Nominee, Donald J. Trump.”

It was a common sentiment. Among the 32 committee members who responded, 25 said they would fight efforts to stop Trump’s nomination. . Another 33 members of the panel have been previously on record as endorsing Trump or rejecting efforts to rip the nomination away from him at the convention.

I doubt that doing this would go over very well among voters. They have this little thing about wanting to be the ones to choose their own nominee for president. And in any case, who would be the “consensus” choice to replace him? I don’t think there is anyone. (If people think Paul Ryan is popular among the base they’re not paying attention.)

But you certainly can’t blame some people for trying. Look at what they’ve got.


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