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Trump’s new hire didn’t like him very much

Trump’s new hire didn’t like him very much

by digby

It’s been reported that poor Donald is having a hard time recruiting anyone to work for him. It seems that most Republican political professionals figure he’d be poison for their careers, just as he’s poison for the party and the country and the world.

But there’s always somebody who really needs a job or who doesn’t really have any scruples. So it looks as if Trump finally landed a communications director. Think Progress reports:

Jason Miller, a senior communications adviser for Ted Cruz, signed up to be Trump’s communications director.

Before Miller signed on, however, he had some cleaning up to do. Miller deleted dozens of harshly anti-Trump tweets from his Twitter account, many of them authored just a few weeks ago.

ThinkProgress was able to recover cached versions of Miller’s deleted anti-Trump tweets.

Any member of a rival’s staff is likely to have some negative things to say about their opponents. But Miller’s tweets about Trump frequently drip with contempt and disgust.

Here’s a small sample, more at the link:

The sad thing is that I doubt he’ll get paid in full …


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