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Trump is running to be a war criminal

Trump is running to be a war criminal

by digby

The GOP nominee makes you so proud to be an American:

We’re living in Medieval times. We have to stop it. We have to be so strong. We have to fight so viciously and violently because we’re dealing with violent people, vicious people. So we can’t do waterboarding but they can do chopping off heads, drowning people in steel cages. They can do whatever they want to do. They eat dinner like us. Can you imagine them sitting around the table or wherever they’re eating their dinner, talking about the Americans don’t do waterboarding and yet we chop off heads. They probably think we’re weak, we’re stupid, we don’t know what we’re doing, we have no leadership. You know, you have to fight fire with fire.

Once more he’s implying that he would behead people. That’s on top of the waterboarding and the hostage taking and the torturing and killing of their families.

The crowd responded with shouts of “USA! USA!”

I just saw a succession of Republicans on CNN agree that Trump is right about terrorism and that we need a “strong[man]” leader.

I feel sick.

Update:  A new Quinnipiac poll has Trump almost tied with Hillary Clinton, and favored over her 52-39 on the question of who would more effective handling ISIS.

Just because it seems ridiculous to think Donald Trump could become president it doesn’t mean it can’t happen.


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