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QOTD: Krugman

QOTD: Krugman

by digby

Paul Krugman, who knows just a bit about international trade, concludes his column today about Trump’s alleged “pro-worker” anti-trade agenda with this:

Sorry, but adding a bit of China-bashing to a fundamentally anti-labor agenda does no more to make you a friend of workers than eating a taco bowl does to make you a friend of Latinos.

Trump is not really an anti-free trader or a populist or a protectionist. He’s a nationalist. His antipathy to China has to do with its emerging as a competitor for  global dominance. “Trade” is just the rhetorical tool he’s using to illustrate that.  However many of his followers who really are worried about jobs lost to foreign trade are suckers if they think he’s the guy who will fix their problems.


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