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Jeb the coward

Jeb the coward

by digby
This is a great piece by Gary Legum at Salon about poor old Jeb who is just heartbroken that the party he helped turn into a sewer is now filled with toxic garbage:

For those of you who thought “Please clap” was rock bottom for the depths of sadness plumbed by Jeb Bush this election cycle, I present to you his interview this week with Nicole Wallace. 

Poor Jeb. There he was, looking natty in a collared shirt and sport coat, relaxing in a wicker chair on the lawn of the family compound in Kennebunkport with a wide-angle view of the Atlantic, a fantastically wealthy man taking a breather at his oceanside vacation home in Maine. 

Yet his soul was troubled. 

I can’t vote for Donald Trump, and I can’t vote for Hillary Clinton. It breaks my heart. This is my first time in my adult life I’m confronted with this dilemma. 

Jeb Bush can find no reason to vote for either of the two major party presidential candidates. A former governor of a large state, a man whose father and brother both served as president, whose grandfather was a senator from Connecticut, whose family has been involved in America’s politics at the highest levels for decades, is having a crisis of the soul because his party nominated a callow xenophobe and the other party nominated Hillary Clinton, and they are basically the same in terms of fitness to hold office. 

Gosh darn it, if a man who loves his country so much can’t bring himself to fulfill his civic responsibility and vote, then what has even become of America?

Legum points out that Jebbers doesn’t seem to have a clue about what’s happened or his own role in it.  And neither does he care about his fellow Americans who will be well and truly screwed if a nutcase like Trump actually wins the presidency.

Bush knows very well that Clinton is the only choice. But he won’t say that because he’s decided to clutch his pearls and lay out rather than step up to save the country and the world from disaster. Florida, as he knows very well is a swing state. His vote would matter there. His leadership might matter there. But instead he’s pretending that the dumpster fire he and his fellows lit in the Republican Party is no worse than Clinton the mainstream Democrat who at least knows what the Articles of the constitution are.

Cowards. All of them. It’s not enough to simply say you can’t vote for someone and it gives you a big sad. If you lie and suggest that the normal mainstream candidate is the same as [insert Godwins Law] then you are complicit and you might as well start campaigning for him. You don’t get a pass by throwing up your hands and saying there’s no difference between the two.


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