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The sleaze campaign

The sleaze campaign

by digby

The GOP must be swelling with pride as they go into their big convention next week. Via TPM:

Donald Trump is suing former aide Sam Nunberg for $10 million over a breach of confidentiality agreement, according to a Wednesday Associated Press report.

Trump’s suit charges that Nunberg leaked confidential information to reporters.

In a court filing obtained by the AP, Nunberg accuses Trump of filing the lawsuit to silence him “in a misguided attempt to cover up media coverage of an apparent affair between senior campaign staffers.” The document reportedly referred to a New York Post story about a public quarrel between two staffers.

The Post’s Page Six filed an item in late May about Trump press secretary Hope Hicks and former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski engaging in a screaming match on a Manhattan street corner.

Lewandowski was fired by the Trump campaign in late June.

Nunberg was dismissed by the campaign last August after journalists surfaced racist Facebook messages he had written about President Barack Obama and Rev. Al Sharpton’s daughter.

Nunberg said at the time that he did not remember writing the posts, in which he referred to Sharpton’s daughter as a “ni**er” and called Obama a “Socialist Marxist Islamo Fascist Nazi Appeaser.”

Lovely people he has working for him. And he’s such a good manager …

Meanwhile, the rumor is that Trump is still paying Lewandowski even though he’s signed on with CNN.  I wouldn’t b surprised.


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