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Aw, sweet. Trump hires a 5th grader to do his first ad

Aw, sweet. Trump hires a 5th grader to do his first ad

by digby

Good lord that’s pathetic…

The reasoning behind this isn’t so much to portray her as a robot (as they did Rubio in the primaries after he repeated himself … robotically.) It’s all about this meme which is all over the internet in which Clinton is portrayed as a doddering, infirm old woman who is on her deathbed:

Hillary Clinton recently had a breakdown on TV. The media is of course covering this up rather than having an expert medical panel on to discuss her health. Yet what happened to Hillary was obviously a sign of a head injury and stroke. 

When a protester appears, Hillary freezes. In psychology you learn that the flight-or-fight response is a myth. A stressful situation trigger a fight, flight, or freeze response. 

“Freeze” is what we mean by saying someone has a “deer in the head lights look.” A prey animal freezes when it senses danger it cannot overcome and thus does not risk running away from. By freezing the deer hopes to not be seen. 

Yet freezing is an instinctual response, as anyone who has driven a car through deer land knows. When you drive, your headlights hit a deer, it stops. Your choice is to keep driving or to swerve away, risking your own life. 

Hillary’s health problems are well-known among the Secret Service.
While still FROZEN, Hillary is rescued by a male Secret Service agent, who reassures her, “You’ll be OK.”… 

…Hillary has suffered a brain injury during a fall. She either had a stroke, causing her to fall, or the fall caused her stroke. (Doctors were unsure whether the fall was the cause or effect of the stroke.) 

Hillary still suffers seizures.

Hillary didn’t “freeze” by the way. She kept her cool, a very different thing.

Unlike this guy:


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