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Trust the rich white man

Trust the rich white man

by digby

That dumb Barack Hussein Obama didn’t know what he was doing. “Mr Trump” (and you will call him Mr Trump) will “fix it.”

How? Well, he plans to unleash the police on your communities:

They’re right now not tough. I could tell you this very long and quite boring story. But when I was in Chicago, I got to meet a couple of very top police. I said, ‘How do you stop this? How do you stop this? If you were put in charge — to a specific person — do you think you could stop it?’ He said, ‘Mr. Trump, I’d be able to stop it in one week.’ And I believed him 100 percent,” Trump said.

When O’Reilly asked whether the unnamed officer told him how, Trump said: “No, he wants to use tough police tactics, which is OK when you have people being killed.”

Trump believes in authoritarian power above all else. That’s the essence of who he is. If anyone thinks otherwise, they are mistaken.


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