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Presidential: some of his best friends are his Mexican servants

Presidential: some of his best friends are his Mexican servants

by digby

This is some of the rhetoric the press corps is saying showed Donald Trump to be presidential today, hitting a home run with his photo-op trip to Mexico City.

I happen to have a tremendous feeling for Mexican Americans, not only in terms of friendships but in terms of the tremendous numbers I employ in the United States. They are amazing people. Amazing people. I have many friends, so many friends and so many friends coming to Mexico,and in Mexico,  I am proud to say how many people I employ. And the United States, first, second and third generation Mexicans are beyond reproach. Spectacular, spectacular hard working people.

First of all he’s being very clear there that he thinks Mexican Americans are ok but their relatives in Mexico aren’t so “spectacular.” He said this to the president of Mexico.

Second of all, who talks like that? All the Mexicans he “employs?”  What the hell? Are they his servants?   Is it really necessary to go to Mexico and talk about how many Mexican friends he has and  vouch for how spectacular they are?

Seriously, this is exactly how white people used to talk back in the 1960s when they were trying not be racist. He might as well have pulled out a taco bowl.

If the US press corps thinks this now qualifies as presidential we’ve gone much further down the rabbit hole that I thought.


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