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The lesson for our allies: don’t trust the US

The lesson for our allies: don’t trust the US

by digby

So the president of Mexico must have felt a little heat for giving Trump a platform especially after he came back to the states last night a gave a Hitler-style speech bashing Mexicans. He felt the need to explain himself in an op-ed. Google translation:

First, I was very clear-in public and in private-to emphasize that in Mexico we feel offended and hurt by his statements about Mexicans. I expressed that deserve respect, we are honest, hardworking people, we value the family and the culture of effort. Mexico and the United States are more than neighbors, we are partners and we are allies. In his campaign speeches, Trump has not treated us not as partners, not as allies, from a distorted view of Mexico and its people. So it was important to talk to him and make it clear that any future cooperation to strengthen the relationship between the two countries must be based on mutual respect. Donald Trump’s reaction was positive. I am convinced that the greater the differences, the more dialogue is needed.

Second, it was essential to put in their proper perspective the importance of Mexico to the United States. Who knows firsthand that circulate daily through the border more than one million people and 400,000 vehicles. That trade between the two countries exceeds 500 billion dollars a year. The Mexican economy is closely linked to the US. If the United States does well, to Mexico it is doing well. The United States exports more than 200 billion dollars a year to Mexico and more than six million US jobs depend on these exports.

And third, I referred to the border is a challenge that requires a joint approach to stewardship. From the United States illegally arrive weapons and millions of dollars that strengthen criminal organizations. These weapons and that money as a result of the earnings cartels of drug in the United States, generate violence in our country and that must be stopped. I was also very clear in my conversation with Trump on the border: Mexico will not pay for any wall.

My priority as president is to protect Mexicans, advocate for their rights, defend their lives and their dignity wherever they are. That’s my ultimate responsibility. Where there is a Mexican who need support from their government, we’ll be there.

Trump proved one thing to the entire world with his little gambit yesterday: don’t trust him. He’s a liar and a cheat and will stab you in the back first chance he gets.

That would be his usual MO in business and now he’s shown that he will do this with allies around the world as well.

Good job.


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