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Fear, Inc. by @BloggersRUs

Fear, Inc.
by Tom Sullivan

Yesterday, Digby directed readers to Gabriel Sherman’s New York magazine story on Roger Ailes’ decades of harassing female employees. It is a jaw-dropping study in the abuse of power and in how Ailes created a “culture of fear at Fox” — including surveillance of his employees — to hide it all until it finally unraveled this summer. At least for Ailes. Sherman’s sources don’t predict a full-blown executive bloodbath at Fox News until after the November election.

Now Roger Ailes advises Donald J. Trump. As does Breitbart News executive chairman, Stephen Bannon. As does professional political hitman David Bossie. Who needs friends in the Mafia when you’ve got kneecappers like that working for you? Just think how they could remake the culture of the country if voters are foolish or lazy enough to let Fear, Inc. anywhere near real power.

By now, everyone has seen the “taco trucks every corner” clip from All In with Chris Hayes on Thursday night when Trump surrogate Marco Gutierrez warned of the dire consequences of allowing the Red Salsa menace to swarm across the southern border:

Someone decided to illustrate the effect in a GIF:

Sigh. Gutierrez is not ready for that six-figure job with Fear, Inc. just yet.

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