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The female Donald

The female Donald

by digby

I haven’t commented much on the Trump and his daughter Ivanka stuff because it’s creepy speculation and I have no way of knowing what it’s all about. But there’s no doubt that his relationship with her has had an erotic component. There are a bunch of pictures like this out there.

This incident is particularly weird:

In 2013, Trump and 31-year-old Ivanka went on Wendy to promote the most recent season of The Apprentice. During the show, Wendy Williams had them play what should have been a harmless, not-at-all sexualized game in any normal situation. That is not what happened. 

When asked about his favorite thing he has in common with his daughter, Trump answered with a smirk: “Well, I was going to say “sex,” but I can’t relate that to her.”


I have no idea what’s actually between them. It could just be a result of Trump’s general view of women which is very simple: fuckable and unfuckable. Only the former are worthy so maybe his love for his daughter requires him to see her in those terms, I don’t know.

But I also think his view of his daughter is rooted in narcissism and his creepy eugenics philosophy. She’s the female Donald:

You know who is one of the great beauties of the world, and I helped create her? Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s six feet tall. She’s got the best body. She made a lot of money as a model—a tremendous amount. 

He sees her as a reflection of him and a natural consequence of his superior genes.  Again, this belief in eugenics is one reason why the white supremacists love him so much.

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