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Peter Panics

Peter Panics

by digby

From Crooks and Liars: they just can’t help revealing their male panic

So the morning after on Fox, Tucker Carlson goes on a rant against gender-neutral language. At the VP debate, Senator Tim Kaine proclaimed himself as “Hillary Clinton’s right-hand person,’ and Tucker is sure that’s proof that the Democrats want to force America to throw away all gender identities and make him assume the role of a neutered man.

Kaine doesn’t have to work hard to distinguish the Democratic ticket from the misogynist dynamic GOP duo. From the VP Debate:

KAINE: My primary role is to be Hillary Clinton’s right hand person and strong supporter as she puts together the most historic administration possible and I relish that role, I’m so proud of her.

Oh boy, that upset the mansplainers at Fox and Friends today. Why can’t he say man? Oh, perhaps because there are many women who are Clinton’s trusted assistants as well and that’s the terminology used to describe everyone?

Why is that offensive? Political correctness, sensitivity and a change from the old male-chauvinism glory days makes them feel uncomfortable and icky!

DOOCY He’s her ‘right-hand person.’ (smirks)

CARLSON: Why do men have to neuter themselves to fit with Progressive orthodoxy? I mean, Tim Kaine is a man. Why is it embarrassing to say that? He didn’t choose to be a man he was born that way. That’s the biological reality that the rest of us are busy denying But it doesn’t make it any less true.

Paranoid much Tucker? Who’s telling you to deny your own masculinity? (Nevermind.)

Tucker went on:

CARLSON: Why does he have to pretend otherwise? You wonder why men aren’t voting for Hillary? And they’re not? Maybe this is why.

Tucker agreed that he likes being a man. Then the other two couch tumors clamored in.

KILMEADE: You’re proud to be a man, Steve, right?

DOOCY: Yeah, it’s great.

Yeah, I’m sure it is.

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