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Her brand is in crisis

Her brand is in crisis

by digby

Try as she might Ivanka Trump cannot hide the fact that her family name is now the most loathed brand in America:

Her social media provides, in the progressive parlance her father likely abhors, a safe space. In an election season in which there seems to be no escape from the campaign — where it is difficult, if not impossible, to make it through a 24 hour stretch without reading, thinking, or talking about the election — Ivanka’s pages may well be some of the only internet real estate where November 8th (or 28th, or 35th) is just another day to be a woman who works.

References to the campaign are fleeting, restrained: A picture of the op-ed she wrote for the Wall Street Journal about her father’s plan for working mothers, of Ivanka giving a speech at a campaign event. Though her father’s name appears a few times, like on the sign outside his just-opened Washington, D.C. hotel, his face is scarcely seen, save for a few snapshots from the night he accepted the GOP nomination. For the most part, Ivanka’s color palette skews less republican red and more ballet pink.

Ivanka’s brand is for middle class working women. They are the last people who will want to own anything with the Trump name on it ever again. He messed everyone in the family up with ridiculous run for president but none more than his darling daughter. She’s toast.


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