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Eve was a conniving liar too, you know.

Eve was a conniving liar too, you know.

by digby

I’m still astonished that the American people think Hillary Clinton is more dishonest than Donald Trump but I’m going to guess that the media pounding her on “emails!” has just made it a reflexive assumption at this point. Also, it’s an old primal impulse to assume that women are conniving and scheming so there are probably a few people who would think that about anyone in her position. And the chanting of “she’s a liar” and “lock her up” on a loop throughout the campaign hasn’t helped matters.

But the fact that Donald Trump, of all people, is considered more truthful is simply mind-boggling.


More fact checking:

Chris Cilizza at the Washington Post insists that this isn’t the media’s fault because look, they did all those fact checks! But it’s not about that, it’s about the fact that they have pimped this ridiculous email story to the point that people believe it must be worse than Watergate when it’s really nothing. And Donald Trump has echoed their bullshit over and over again. Now it’s just assumed it must be true. Because why else would they be talking about it incessantly?
Finally in the week before the election, after the media have prepared the ground so well for them,  right wingnuts in law enforcement are making their move:
Here’ the latest:

DONALD TRUMP: There is more breaking news that I’d like to share with you right now. It was reported last night that the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s pay-for-play corruption during her tenure as secretary of state. In other words, the FBI is investigating how Hillary Clinton put the office of secretary of state up for sale in violation of federal law. The investigation is described as a high priority. It’s far-reaching and has been going on for more than one year. It is reporting that an avalanche of information is coming in. The FBI agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment.

This is from leaks by Clinton hating wingnuts in the FBI to right wing media eager to gobble it up and spit it out.  It’s a lie. But voters will not know that. Because they assume the FBI is an upstanding organization and Hillary Clinton is a lying, calculating harridan. Why wouldn’t they? That’s what the press has been telling them.
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