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This day in (racist) American history by Dennis Hartley

This day in (racist) American history

by Dennis Hartley

Just for giggles I randomly chose today, November 3, to peruse what events occurred on this date in U.S. history. Here’s a few highlights:


Nov. 3, 1813– U.S. troops under General Coffee destroy Indian village at Talladega, Alabama.

Nov. 3, 1883– Race riots in Danville, Virginia (4 blacks killed).

Nov. 3, 1883– U.S. Supreme Court decides Native Americans can’t be Americans.

Nov. 3, 1885– Tacoma (WA) vigilantes drive out Chinese, burn their homes and businesses.

Nov. 3, 1979– Five people mortally wounded during anti Ku-Klux-Klan demonstration in North Carolina.

Nov. 3, 1988– Talk show host Geraldo Rivera’s nose is broken as Roy Innis brawls with skinheads at TV taping.

Nov. 3, 1997– California law ends affirmative action.

Dude. All that history is harshing my mellow, ruining my pizza. Thank God we live in the 21st century, and we’re past all that. No, wait…

Nov. 3, 2016: Police gas peaceful Dakota Access Pipeline protectors.

Well…it can’t be all bad. That’s it for this week, right? Oh, crap…

KKK newspaper endorsing Donald Trump earlier this week.

[*sigh*] Let me recheck today in history, maybe I missed something:

Nov. 3, 1868– First black congressman elected (John W. Menard, Louisiana).

Nov 3., 1896– Martha Hughes Cannon of Utah elected 1st female senator.

Nov. 3, 1992– Carol Moseley Brown elected first African-American woman in U.S. senate.

Baby steps. I think I just talked myself down off the ledge (*whew*).

So hope remains. For now. For god’s sake, Don’t. Forget. To. Vote.

cross-posted from Denofcinema.

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