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Trump says no to peace talks

Trump says no to peace talks

by digby

Before Donald Trump won the presidency, Democratic foreign policy circles hummed with talk that an outgoing President Barack Obama could take a last stab at peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians. 

But now that they’re on the verge of power, Trump aides say Obama shouldn’t even think about taking such steps.

I have heard there is serious discussion of immediately moving the embassy to Jerusalem.  He has promised to undo the Iran deal and withdraw from the Paris Climate accords. These are all eminently doable since the right wing of the GOP agrees with him.

And on 60 Minutes last night Trump reiterated his desire to help Russia bomb Syrian civilians into oblivion to deliver the country back to the murderous Assad regime.

“In the past 24 hours, I’ve seen embassies all over town, foreign journalists, officials in foreign capitals reaching out to anybody they can find to try to get a sense of what does Trump foreign policy look like with regard to my country, my issue, whatever it is, because there has not been a huge amount of detail spelled out during a campaign,” said Richard Fontaine, president of the Center for a New American Security

I am quite sure that the world is reorienting their security posture and reorienting quickly.  The world’s only superpower is now run by a cretinous madman.


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