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#NeverTrump before #NeverTrump was cool

#NeverTrump before #NeverTrump was cool

by digby

From 2000, via Rick Perlstein:

 “Look for the narcissist. The most obvious target in today’s lineup is, of course, Donald Trump. When he looks at a glass, he is mesmerized by its reflection. If Donald Trump were shaped a little differently, he would compete for Miss America. But whatever the depths of self-enchantment, the demagogue has to say something. So what does Trump say? That he is a successful businessman and that that is what America needs in the Oval Office. There is some plausibility in this, though not much. The greatest deeds of American Presidents–midwifing the new republic; freeing the slaves; harnessing the energies and vision needed to win the Cold War –had little to do with a bottom line.”

That’s William F. Buckley.

He would have tried but nobody would have listened to him either …


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