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Trump 2.0?

Trump 2.0?

by digby

Could be, could be…:

Kanye West during a concert on Saturday offered praise to President-elect Donald Trump during a nearly 20-minute speech he made addressing real-word and awards-show politics.

During his speech, West directly addressed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Beyonce.

“It’s a new world, Hillary Clinton, it’s a new world,” West said during the concert, The New York Times reported.

“Feelings matter. Because guess what? Everybody in Middle America felt a way and they showed you how they felt.”

During the concert, West played only three songs before ending with a microphone drop, much to the dismay of his fans, according to the Times.

His 17-minute speech comes just days after he announced he would have voted for Trump if he had cast a ballot on Election Day.

“I said something that was kind of politically correct,” West told listeners during a concert in San Jose, Calif., late Thursday. “I told y’all I didn’t vote, right?

“What I didn’t tell you. … If I were to have voted, I would have voted on Trump,” West added, inspiring a mix of boos and cheers.

During his concert Saturday, West also slammed the media for the way it covered the 2016 race.

“Yeah, I’m taking his lead,” he said during the concert, referring to the president-elect.

“A lot of people here tonight felt like they lost,” the rapper said.

“You know why? Because y’all been lied to. Google lied to you. Facebook lied to you. Radio lied to you.”

He also address Beyonce, saying he was hurt “because I heard that you said you wouldn’t perform unless you won Video of the Year over me and over ‘Hotline Bling,'” he said.

“Sometimes we be playing the politics too much and forget who we are just to win,” he continued.

“I’ve been sitting here to give y’all my truth even at the risk of my own life — even at the risk of my own success, my own career.”

West railed on President Obama, saying he couldn’t make America great again “because he couldn’t be him to be who he was.”

“Black men have been slaves. Obama wasn’t allowed to do this” West said, “and still win. He had to be perfect. But being perfect don’t always change” things.

Toward the end of the show, West said he wasn’t going to “say things the perfect way, the right way.”

“But I’m going to say how I feel.” He added, “Get ready to have a field day, press. Get ready, get ready. Because the show’s over.”

I’m reminded that nobody took Trump seriously either because he made no sense and acted like a fool. It was ridiculous to imagine that freak becoming president. A joke. Well, nobody’s laughing.

No I’m not serious. (I don’t think so anyway …) But it does point up the fact that celebrity and wealth seems to be a major qualification for elective office and that one needn’t make any sense to be seen in a political context. West made a mistake by angering his fans, though. Trump could give him some pointers …


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