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The Overton Window just blew out again. Public fine w/ kids running the Trump Org as long as they aren’t officially in the WH.

The Overton Window just blew out again. 

by digby

It’s fine for the kids to run the Trump Organization as long as they aren’t officially in the White House.

I guess it’s too late to educate the public about why Trump’s children should not be running a business called the Trump Organization while Trump is running the US:

Most voters say Donald Trump’s children should be involved in running the Trump Organization, not his administration, according to a new Morning Consult/POLITICO poll.

The national survey, conducted from Nov. 16-18, shows that 62 percent of voters say Trump’s children should have a role running their father’s business while he is president. By contrast, nearly six of 10 voters (59 percent) say they should not be closely involved in the Trump administration.

They won’t be officially involved in running the Trump administration. But they will be involved in making business deals around the world with the Trump name on them and their daddy will be in a position to know how and where to grease the skids for them. And every foreign leader and businessman will know who to talk to if they need a favor from Trump. He’s made sure of that. It’s all set.

Sadly,  I am convinced that after a flurry of investigative reports the media will stop following this story with any systematic focus. It will be expensive and unrewarding. And who knows what catastrophes await us that will take up all the oxygen. That’s what happened after Bush vs Gore. It could easily happen again.

I think we are officially a kleptocracy, at least under Republican rule. Demcorats as we know, have used email. And that’s a bridge too far.


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