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QOTD: Vintage Trump edition

QOTD: Vintage Trump edition

by digby

12-21-15 Grand Rapids, Michigan

No, No think of it, you know, it’s Russia after all. Somebody said “are you at all offended that he said nice thins about you?” I said, “No, No.” And they said “Oh Trump should have been much nastier. That’s terrible.” And then they said, “You know he’s killed reporters,” and I don’t like that. I’m totally against that.  

By the way I hate some of these people, but I would never kill them. I hate them. No I think these people, honestly. I’ll be honest. I would never kill them. I would never do that. 

Ah let’s see… 

Nah. I would never kill them. But I do hate them. Some of them are such lying, disgusting people. It’s true, it’s true. 


I would never kill then and anybody that does I think would be despicable. But you know nobody nobody said, they say he killed reporters. I said, “really?” He says he didn’t. Other people say he didn’t. Who did he kill. Well, we don’t know but we hear that. I said, “Tell me, who did he kill?”

The Washington Post says Trump’s right on this so it’s all good. Never mind. He’s not going to kill journalists. I sure hope nobody who follows him and thinks the press is disgusting, despicable subhumans as he does decides to do something though. Fingers crossed.


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