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Trump doesn’t like when people say he wants to make America sick again

Trump doesn’t like when people say he wants to make America sick again

by digby

Yesterday, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer came out with this:
Trump did NOT like it one little bit:

The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer, know how bad ObamaCare is and what a mess they are in. Instead of working to fix it, they..

…do the typical political thing and BLAME. The fact is ObamaCare was a lie from the beginning.”Keep you doctor, keep your plan!” It is….

…time for Republicans & Democrats to get together and come up with a healthcare plan that really works – much less expensive & FAR BETTER!

This is what it’s going to be like with a president who communicates through twitter. Jesus H. Christ.

Schumer said Trump could not count on the Democrats to save his butt on this and I pray the Democrats will stick with that. If these destructive maniacs do this, they have to take full responsibility for it. Trump and his buddies demagogued this for years and convinced a whole lot of people that the reforms had made them worse off than they had been before. That was the lie. And now they have all the power they need to put up or shut up. They don’t need the Democrats’ help.

This is one of those situations where there can be no negotiation. It’s not like it was when the reforms were being negotiated within the Democratic Party and everything that came out would theoretically be an improvement, even if it was imperfect or wasted an opportunity to go farther. This is about enshrining the idea that government funded health insurance is a bad thing. And they’re coming for medicaid, the VA and Medicare too. It will be a massive step backwards not an inadequate step forward.

Trump seems to have been under the impression that once he won everyone would stop opposing him. And it makes him angry when they do. Somebody really needs to show him some educational comic books about how government works.


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