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Change was voted for and change we will get

Change was voted for and change we will get

by digby

The word according to Reince:

Reince Priebus, chief of staff to Donald Trump, argued on Sunday that there was “no reason” to complete background checks on the president-elect’s cabinet appointments. 

The Office of Government Ethics warned last week that background checks for Trump’s nominees would not be completed in time for confirmation hearing next week because the nominees have refused to provide financial disclosures. 

Fox News host Chris Wallace asked Priebus on Sunday if the Trump administration would consider delaying the hearings until the background checks were complete. 

“No,” Priebus replied. “They have to get moving. I mean, they have to move faster. And they have all the information. These are people that have been highly successful in their lives. They need to move quicker.” 

“The fact is there’s no reason,” he continued. “I mean, it’s the first week of January, they have all the details that they need, they have all the information that they need. It’s no different from any other new administration coming in and the American people demand it.” 

“Change was voted for and change we will get.”

I think this says it all:

That’s exactly what’s happened. That was the beginning of the march toward unbridled corruption. Once money got the same value as free speech, it was inevitable that the personal pursuit of it in office would be seen as constitutionally protected instead of constitutionally prohibited.

The Trump administration and the Republican party are drunk with power. And they aren’t even trying to hide their avarice. It turns out that “drain the swamp” is more of a cultural revolution thing, where they’re exiling the educated experts to the hinterlands. (No re-education camps …. yet.) But it’s not ideological. It’s just sheer greed. They’ve decided they want it all, every last dime.


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