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Trump’s jobs plan: work until you drop dead

Trump’s jobs plan: work until you drop dead

by digby

EPI examines Trump’s jobs claims:

On the White House website, the Trump administration announced a new goal of adding 25 million new jobs over the next ten years, an extraordinarily audacious, or simply innumerate, target. If their plan were successful, it would require raising employment rates well above what we can realistically hope for given the aging of the population and historical evidence on these rates. Now I happen to love optimistic agendas, but to the extent that this goal is not fantasy based on “alternative facts,” it can mean only one of two things: either the United States needs an enormous influx of immigrants, or a much higher share of the elderly population needs to be put to work.

Read on for the details.

This one might actually be real.They are certainly not going to invite more immigrants. So it’s up to the duffers. If Ayn Rand fan Paul Ryan is in charge, his social security destruction plan will ensure that old people work until they drop dead. He will also do away with age discrimination laws so if you were counting on staying with your employer until you are 80 and keeping your health insurance (Medicare will be a largely worthless voucher too) think again. Lemonade stand maybe?

Seriously, this is more idiotic hype from Trump who is probably going to turn this country into the dystopian hellscape full of the suffering and carnage he already thinks it is. There won’t be 25 million new jobs.  It’s totally absurd.

His voters like be stroked and lied to and he’s going to tell them whatever they want to hear. But he’s going to make their lives immeasurably worse. I’m sure they’ll blame welfare queens and gays and illegals and feminazis for ruining everything but it won’t change a thing.




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