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Too busy looking at fabric swatches

Too busy picking out fabric
by digby

The NYT reports that Trump refuses to read books or briefing papers but he did take the time to pore over a 17 page book of fabric swatches for re-doing the Oval Office, the accomplishment he is most proud of. Apparently, he got really excited about it when he found out the taxpayers foot the bill for it.  He really is intellectually challenged.

They are so busy rushing through unconstitutional executive orders (and likely making deals with foreign oligarchs) that they don’t have time to do the actual job:

After Senate Democrats’ 24-hour talk-athon and after Vice President Pence’s history-making vote, Betsy DeVos is expected today to become just the seventh member of President Trump’s team to win confirmation. By contrast, at this same point in time in 2009, the Senate had confirmed 23 Obama nominees, according to the Partnership for Public Service.

This incredibly slow start in forming Trump’s government is due, in part, to Senate Democrats dragging their feet. (“Cabinet confirmations the slowest since George Washington,” Senate Republicans have declared.) But it is MUCH more than that. For one thing, the Partnership for Public Service says Team Trump has nominated just 35 people to 693 key positions requiring Senate confirmation (or 5%). By comparison, Team Obama had nominated 37 officials by Jan. 30. The other component here is how slowly these nominees submitted their ethics forms, which delayed the confirmation process. Add it all up, and you have an administration that hasn’t even left the gate yet to get on the runway.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. He’s doing exactly what his cult followers hired him to do: run the country like he runs his business. He’s running it like the bankrupt Trump Taj Mahal.


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