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Trump’s “common sense” doctrine

Trump’s “common sense” doctrine

by digby

He said this today in response to a question about the Muslim ban:

“Some things are law, which I’m in favor of. Some things are common sense. This is common sense.”

He’s in favor of law, which is reassuring. very nice in a president. But apparently he believes that “common sense” as he sees it trumps law.  And that’ bad enough. But he also seems to think that banning babies and doctors and professors from countries that have not perpetrated attacks against the United States while allowing entry to people from countries than have qualifies as common sense.

In other words, Trump’s definition of “common sense” is to create terrorists by capriciously issuing draconian executive orders against people who have done nothing to threaten the nation.

Trump’s “common sense”  looks a lot like a continuation of Dick Cheney’s Iraq war when you think about it.


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