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Shameless hucksters

Shameless hucksters

by digby

I get the feeling the Trump people have all just said “fuck it say whatever you want, there’s nothing we can’t get away with.” It is not normal for white house personnel to go on TV and do what amounts to an infomercial for the First family’s personal profit.

“Go buy Ivanka’s stuff, is what I would tell you. I hate shopping, but I am going to go get some myself today. This is just — it’s a wonderful line, I own some of it, I’m just gonna give a free commercial here, go buy it today, you can buy it online.”

Think Progress explains:

In using her official capacity to bolster Ivanka Trump’s business, Conway has plenty of company in the White House — all in reaction to retailers’ announcements that they are are dropping Ivanka Trump’s eponymous clothing line due to poor performance.

President Trump himself lashed out in response — tweeting from his @realdonaldtrump account and retweeting from the official @Potus account, which is passed from president to president.

Since then, Trump’s top advisers — who are all also federal employees working on the taxpayer dime — have been backing up his attack on the company and blurring the already nonexistent line between the Trump administration and the Trump businesses.

“This is a direct attack on [the President’s] policies and her name,” Spicer said.

While touting Ivanka Trump’s business, Conway also talked about Ivanka’s close relationship with the White House, stressing that a role remains open for her whenever she decides she wants it. 

The overarching message from the Trump organization is that messing with a Trump company and messing with the White House are one and the same.

This seems to be fine with the American people.  It’s email server management that really gets them upset.


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