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The unctuous Jason Caffetz’s latest hits

The unctuous Jason Caffetz’s latest hits

by digby

Utah congressman Jason Chaffetz first said that the angry people at his townhall were all paid protesters and now he says they are just a small minority and that the rest of Utah loves him very much.

He also said that he is completely unbiased when it comes to doing his job as the Chairman of the House oversight committee and that nothing will deter him from doing it:

The congressman, who chairs the House Oversight Committee, dismissed suggestions that he is overlooking President Donald Trump’s potential conflicts of interest at the President’s request.

Chaffetz said Trump told him in January during a Republican retreat in Philadelphia that he has “a job to do” and not to “slow down.”

“‘You go after everything you want to go after,’” Chaffetz said Trump told him.

He probably did say that. But how much do you want to bet that the context of the conversation was about whether Trump would be upset if Chaffetz decided to pursue his jihad against Hillary Clinton.

Come on. January? Look at what he wrote in that instagram above.

Chaffetz has already made it clear that is is impossible for President Trump to be corrupt. Indeed, even if he were seen taking bags of money directly from Phillippines president Ricardo Duterte in the oval office in return for free aircraft carriers, there is nothing anyone could do about it because there is no specific law against a president taking bribes in the oval office. He’s the president. He can do whatever he believes is necessary to “protect” the country.

His hands are tied.


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