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Thanks Vlad

Thanks Vlad. 

by digby

Oh no! Is Trump becoming disillusioned with the Russian President?

Russia Vetoes U.N. Measure on Syria Backed by Trump 

* The Russian move was the first public clash at the Security Council between the Kremlin and the Trump administration.

 Maybe they don’t see eye to eye after all. This could be the big break. What was the issue?

* The resolution would have punished the Syrian government for using chemical weapons.

Never mind.

Trump won’t be upset about this. He’s fine with Assad using chemical weapons on civilians. He’s a strong decisive leader who’s bring law and order back to his country. Trump would do the same if that’s what it took.

It’s just political correctness that makes the United States look weak by insisting that other countries shouldn’t use chemical weapon. And if they want to use them on their own citizens who are we to say they shouldn’t? It’s not our country. And anyway, we might want to do it too.

Vlad did the dirty work for him this time. I’m sure, if he ever hears about it, Trump will be properly grateful that his buddy is helping preserve the prerogatives of national leaders doing what it takes to make their countries great again.


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