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Looking for a chance to annoy a misogynist wingnut today?

Looking for a chance to annoy a misogynist wingnut today?

by digby

I’ve got one for you. There’s this horrible “pastor” in Tennessee who likes to make videos ranting about where people are allowed to go to the bathroom. Today he’s upset about something else and it’s … wonderful:

“So today in the mail I got a very shocking and very interesting card. It came from Planned Parenthood, which is a very strange organization to be sending me anything at all because everyone knows my very bold and biblical stand against them,” Locke said last Tuesday.

“But here’s what’s interesting. Here’s what the card said. ‘Dear Greg Locke. Planned Parenthood Federation of America is pleased to let you know that a generous and thoughtful donation has been made in your honor by’ and then apparently the hater’s name was Christa Ginsberg in Houston, Texas. And it doesn’t say how much it was and then sincerely, you know, the Richards lady that runs Planned Parenthood,” he said.

Jen Hayden at Daily Kos writes:

In the video below, he howls about the fact this thank you card was sent to him and wants to make it crystal clear that he doesn’t in any way support women’s health care at Planned Parenthood. He warned that such donations in his name are a waste of time and he’ll deposit any thank you cards in the trash. So, whatever you do, don’t waste your time donating to the Planned Parenthood clinic closest to Greg Locke’s church—Planned Parenthood of Middle and East Tennessee—and don’t waste your time making sure a thank you card gets mailed to him at: 

Greg Locke
c/o Global Vision Bible Church
2060 Old Lebanon Dirt Rd
Mt Juliet, TN 37122



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