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Joe and Mika see the light. Again.

Joe and Mika see the light. Again.

by digby

We’ve been through this before with the MorningJoe duo. During the campaign they started out as big boosters, then lost faith then came back on board. I don’t know why they have such a hard time with this.

Anyway, this was this morning:

“I think he just doesn’t care. All he wants to do is blow something up, as big as an explosion as possible to distract from other things,” Scarborough said. “Everything is the short game. It proves he is a day trader and he does live in the eternal now. So he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care who he hurts.”

Brzezinski was visibly emotional at one point in the show, distraught over Trump’s conduct in his first 45 days.

“I thought this presidency could happen. I thought he could win. He certainly wasn’t my first choice. I wanted to have hope and I wanted to have an open mind,” she said. “It’s past time that we lower the bar so low that we are in the ditch.”

Scarborough seemed to agree. He singled out Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, who is said to have the ear of the president. Scarborough called Bannon “the most dangerous person” and a guy who “wants to destroy the government.”

“Morning Joe” host Mika Brzezinski once had hope for the Trump administration.

“When this presidency started, I had hope and an open mind; I am losing hope and my mind is closing,” she said Monday, turning to a mournful Joe Scarborough.

“You even had Van Jones over at CNN saying [the night of Trump’s first address to Congress was when] Donald Trump becomes president of the United States,” co-host Scarborough remarked.

After his speech to Congress got rave reviews, it took only 24 hours for the Trump adminstration to become more in scandal once again.

By Wednesday night, Attorney General Jeff Sessions had come under fire for lying during his congressional hearing, which led him to recuse himself from Russia investigations on Thursday. Meanwhile, the news of top Democrats calling for Sessions’ resignation was quickly offset by President Trump’s bizarre tweeting Saturday, in which he accused President Barack Obama of wiretapping his phones at Trump Tower.

“What Donald Trump did on Saturday morning has shaken this government and the confidence of its people to the core,” Scarborough stated. “It is hard to overstate how reckless that tweet was. The 45th president of the United States accusing the 44th president of the United States of personally tapping his phones… calling him sick.”

“Uncouth,” Brzezinski added.

Trump has always been a fan of Breitbart’s conspiracy theories, such as the racist “birther” myth.

However, “for people comparing this to the birther controversy, context is necessary,” Scarborough pointed out. “It is one thing when a reality TV star accuses a president of a sleazy conspiratorial theory. But when a president of the United States accuses another president, the context changes and it becomes dangerous…. We are in crisis.”

He’s got a point.


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