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Chart O’ the Day

Chart O’ the Day

by digby

That’s right.
Most of the people who have the most to lose under Trumpcare voted for Trump.

I doubt they’ll have regrets. Trump will blame Obama and they’ll believe him. Like all gullible marks they want to believe and so they will. And they’ll never regret not voting for that horrible old hag because she was a corrupt liar and they are sure she would have been much worse.

The sad thing is that if this passes, a lot of these people will have to drop their health insurance because it will be unaffordable. And they will suffer. And no matter how deluded they may be, just like the elderly folks who send their money to Nigeria, they don’t deserve to die just because they are gullible.


The more worldly people in the Republican Party are to blame for this. They turned Obamacare into the devil for their own cynical political purposes and capitalized on it for years. Now the American people are going to pay for their manipulative malevolence.


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