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Douchebags like this …

Douchebags like this …

by digby

On Friday night a woman and her friends went to take a look at the famous “defiant girl” statue that had been installed on Wall St to commemorate International Woman’s Day when one of a group of men horsing around the area decided to sexually grind himself against the statue of the little girl. The woman took pictures and wrote up the account on her Facebook page:

Kaloyanides, an architectural designer from Queens, snapped a photo of the incident and posted it to social media, writing: “Almost as if out of central casting, some Wall Street finance bros appeared and started humping the statue while his gross date rape-y friends laughed and cheered him on. He pretended to have sex with the image of a little girl. Douchebags like this are why we need feminism.”

Kaloyanides stood by the decision to share the image online, saying the man’s behavior was no laughing matter and shouldn’t be treated as such.

“This is just further perpetuating a mentality of ‘boys will be boys,’ and that ‘it’s okay, it’s a joke, just brush it off,’” she said. “This young man likely has a mother, a sister perhaps, a girlfriend, a wife — who knows? I’m getting tired of making excuses and laughing it off. I for one am not gonna laugh it off anymore.”

It’s clear what he’s doing. He’s grinding his penis into the little girl in front of a bunch of people, in public. Yes, he’s probably drunk. And he’s showing off for his friends, just being a jerk. But as a woman witnessing something like that it just feels like a punch in the gut. It’s violent and gross and says something about that guy and his friends they may not even know about themselves. It’s a public display of rank misogyny perpetrated against a sweet inspirational symbol of female empowerment. Fuck that guy.

And yeah, I’m getting sick of this too. But what do we expect? Over 60 million people in this country voted for a president who was caught on tape saying that he liked to grab women’s crotches against their will. He said he “tried to fuck” a married woman celebrity and was “on her like a bitch,” by which I think he meant she was the bitch, as in dog. Think about that. Those aren’t sexual acts. There’s no sensual pleasure in that for any woman. It’s a sheer act of violent domination.

I’m tired of making excuses for this shit too. I don’t care if people have economic anxiety, brushing off that pig Trump’s voluminous documented disgusting behavior toward women, wallowing in it, calling Clinton a bitch and and a cunt, the mob laughing and jeering about “locking her up” They knew what they were voting for. And they liked it. And yes, women participated in it. I’m sick of them too.

Update: Here’s the latest on the marine scandal nobody cares about in which  a secret online group of 20,000 marines were sharing nude photos of women, including their fellow marines, online. They shut down the group and just started up another one.

Here’s the group’s fatuous explanation:


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