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QOTD: Tricky Dick

QOTD: Tricky Dick

by digby

Via Charlie Pierce (whose piece you should also read) we have the quote of the day by Richard M Nixon:

During the past year, the wildest accusations have been given banner headlines and ready credence as well. Rumor, gossip, innuendo, accounts from unnamed sources of what a prospective witness might testify to, have filled the morning newspapers and then are repeated on the evening newscasts day after day. Time and again, a familiar pattern repeated itself. A charge would be reported the first day as what it was—just an allegation. But it would then be referred back to the next day and thereafter as if it were true. The distinction between fact and speculation grew blurred. Eventually, all seeped into the public consciousness as a vague general impression of massive wrongdoing, implicating everybody, gaining credibility by its endless repetition.

Yeah well, as it turned out there was massive wrongdoing. It took awhile to unfold. It always does.


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