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Who do these judges think they are? Don’t they know who I am?

Who do these judges think they are? Don’t they know who I am?

by digby

The trail of tears

So this happened:

Steve Bannon told Trumpie that he’s a lot like the guy on the 20 dollar bill and he’s all excited about it which is kind of adorable.

Then after he laid the wreath but before his big Nashville rally tonight, a judge in Hawaii stayed his travel ban again citing his own words speaking to his obvious intentions that it should be a religious test and including loose lipped pals like Rudy Giuliani and his nasty little aide Stephen Miller. He doesn’t understand why this is wrong because he’s a moron. So he went on stage tonight and said this:

“I think we ought to go back to the first [ban], and go all the way. That’s what I wanted to do in the first place.”

Did I mention that he’s a moron?

At least we’d better hope that’s the issue because if not, and this whole Andrew Jackson thing is serious, this is what he may be about:

[Chief Justice John] Marshall had initially opposed Jackson’s election to the presidency, and in the Cherokee Indians case, Worcester v. Georgia (1832), Marshall infuriated Jackson by insisting that Georgia laws that purported to seize Cherokee lands on which gold had been found violated federal treaties. Jackson is famous for having responded: “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.” Although the comment is probably apocryphal, both Georgia and Jackson simply ignored the decision.

It ended in genocide so a bunch of greedheads could steal gold from the Indians but who’s counting?

Jackson eventually issued a proclamation of the Supreme Court’s ultimate power to decide constitutional questions and said its decision had to be obeyed but Trump hasn’t gotten that far in the 6th grade textbook.

By the way, here’s another would-be president who knows a little bit more history than Trump weighing in:

We’re going to make America great again — like it was in the 1830s. Good times.


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