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He refused to shake her hand

He refused to shake her hand

by digby

He did. Look at it.  And he managed to hear all the other questions …

He is a cretin.

Also a weaselly, immature child:

President Donald Trump says his White House shouldn’t be blamed for quoting a Fox News analyst who accused British intelligence of helping former President Barack Obama spy on him.

There is no evidence such spying took place and GCHQ, the British electronic intelligence agency, has called the allegation “utterly ridiculous.”

Trump says during a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel that “we said nothing. All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television.” 

He says, “you shouldn’t be talking to me, you should be talking to Fox.” 

He’s also doubling down on his unproven wiretapping allegation with a reference to 2013 reports that the U.S. listened in on Merkel’s phone calls.

He says that when it comes to wiretapping, “At least we have something in common, perhaps.

Some years ago I made a pledge to stop swearing so much on the blog. I try to keep it to a bare minimum and only let out the curse words on rare occasions. (I confess that I am not so good about that when I’m yelling at the TV. I’m afraid I have political Tourette’s Syndrome triggered by cable news.)

It’s getting very, very hard to keep that promise as I watch our president cluelessly degrade and destroy the world order we’ve has since 1948 with absolutely no idea that he’s doing that or what’s going to replace it.

I get more worried every day that he can’t be stopped. And my clean vocabulary is failing me. So I apologize in advance for my increasing use of bad words. I simply can’t help it.


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