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They just keep persisting

They just keep persisting

by digby

Over at the America Prospect, Adele Stan recaps the latest in the Russia scandals and observes that the Trump administration seems to have a particular problem dealing with “uppity women” who challenge them. She discusses, Sally Yates, April Ryan and the most uppity of all, Hillary Clinton, who spoke up on behalf of Ryan this week. (I might also mention the several female federal judges who ruled against Trump’s original travel ban.) Her conclusion is the quote of the day:

Ultimately, the fate of the republic may depend on the questions and testimony of uppity women. Much will be revealed in the way they are treated by the administration, the media, and the public.


The activism too. This poll of women involved in, the group organizing daily calls to congress reveals that women are at the forefront:

Interesting to note what these people are most concerned about in this political moment. I would say they understand the immediate priorities quite well. One hopes their representatives do too.

Along these lines, you might find this discussion between Lena Dunham and fired New York Times editor Jill Abramson about “pushy broads” interesting.


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